Saturday, May 23, 2020

Broad Spectrum Revolution Giving Up the Paleo Diet

The Broad Spectrum Revolution (abbreviated BSR and sometimes referred to as niche broadening) refers to a human subsistence shift at the end of the last Ice Age (ca 20,000–8,000 years ago). During the Upper Paleolithic (UP), people all over the globe survived on diets made up primarily of the meat from large-bodied terrestrial mammals—the first paleo diet. But at some point after the Last Glacial Maximum, their descendants broadened their subsistence strategies to include hunting small animals and foraging for plants, becoming hunter-gatherers. Eventually, humans began  domesticating those plants and animals, in the process radically changing our way of life. Archaeologists have been trying to figure out the mechanisms that made those changes happen since the early decades of the 20th century. Braidwood to Binford to Flannery The term Broad Spectrum Revolution was coined  in 1969  by archaeologist Kent Flannery, who created the idea to get a better understanding of how humans changed from Upper Paleolithic hunters to Neolithic farmers in the Near East. Of course, the idea didnt come out of thin air: BSR was developed as a response to Lewis Binfords theory about why that change happened, and Binfords theory was a response to Robert Braidwood. In the early 1960s, Braidwood suggested that agriculture was the product of experimentation with wild resources in optimal environments (the hilly flanks theory): but he didnt include a mechanism that explained why people would do that. In 1968, Binford argued that such changes could only be forced by something that disrupted the existing equilibrium between resources and technology—big mammal hunting technologies worked in the UP for tens of thousands of years. Binford suggested that disruptive element was climate change—the rise in sea level at the end of the Pleistocene reduced the overall land available to populations and forced them to find new strategies. Braidwood himself was responding to V.G. Childes Oasis Theory: and the changes werent linear. Many of scholars were working this problem, in all of the ways typical of the messy, exhilarating process of theoretical change in archaeology. Flannerys Marginal Areas and Population Growth In 1969, Flannery was working in the Near East in the Zagros mountains far from the impacts of sea level rises, and that mechanism wasnt going to work well for that region. Instead, he proposed that hunters began to use invertebrates, fish, waterfowl, and plant resources as a response to localized population density. Flannery argued that, given a choice, people live in optimal habitats, the best places for whatever their subsistence strategy happens to be; but by the end of the Pleistocene, those locations had become too crowded for hunting big mammals to work. Daughter groups budded off and moved into areas that were not so optimal, so-called marginal areas. The old subsistence methods wouldnt work in these marginal areas, and instead, people began exploiting an increasing array of small game species and plants. Putting the People Back In The real problem with BSR, though, is what created Flannerys notion in the first place—that environments and conditions are different across time and space. The world of 15,000 years ago, not unlike today, was made up of a wide variety of environments, with different amounts of patchy resources and different levels of plant and animal scarcity and abundance. Societies were structured with different gender and societal organizations and used different levels of mobility and intensification. Diversifying resource bases–and particularizing again to exploit a select number of resources–are strategies used by societies in all of these places. With the application of new theoretical models such as the niche construction theory (NCT), archaeologists today define the specific shortcomings within a specific environment (niche) and identify the adaptations that humans used to survive there, whether they are expanding the dietary breadth of their resource base or contracting it. Using a comprehensive study known as human behavioral ecology, researchers recognize that human subsistence is a nearly continuous process of coping with changes in resource base, whether people are adapting to environmental changes in the region where they live, or moving away from that region and adapting to new situations in new locations. Environmental manipulation of the environment occurred and occurs in zones with optimal resources and those with less optimal ones, and the use of BSR/NCT theories allows the archaeologist to measure those characteristics and gain an understanding of what decisions were made and whether they were successful— or not. Sources Abbo, Shahal, et al. Wild Lentil and Chickpea Harvest in Israel: Bearing on the Origins of Near Eastern Farming. Journal of Archaeological Science 35.12 (2008): 3172-77. Print.Allaby, Robin G., Dorian Q. Fuller, and Terence A. Brown. The Genetic Expectations of a Protracted Model for the Origins of Domesticated Crops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105.37 (2008): 13982–86. Print.Binford, Lewis R. Post-Pleistocene Adaptations. New Perspectives in Archaeology. Eds. Binford, Sally R., and Lewis R. Binford. Chicago, Illinois: Aldine, 1968. 313–41. Print.Ellis, Erle C., et al. Evolving the Anthropocene: Linking Multi-Level Selection with Long-Term Social–Ecological Change. Sustainability Science 13.1 (2018): 119–28. Print.Flannery, Kent V. Origins and Ecological Effects of Early Domestication in Iran and the Near East. The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals. Eds. Ucko, Peter J. and George W. Dimbleby. Chicago: Aldine, 1969. 73 –100. Print.Gremillion, Kristen, Loukas Barton, and Dolores R. Piperno. Particularlism and the Retreat from Theory in the Archaeology of Agricultural Origins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Early Edition (2014). Print.Guan, Ying, et al. Modern Human Behaviors During the Late Stage of the MIS3 and the Broad Spectrum Revolution: Evidence from a Shuidonggou Late Paleolithic Site. Chinese Science Bulletin 57.4 (2012): 379–86. Print.Larson, Greger, and Dorian Q. Fuller. The Evolution of Animal Domestication. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 45.1 (2014): 115–36. Print.Piperno, Dolores R. Assessing Elements of an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis for Plant Domestication and Agricultural Origin Research. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.25 (2017): 6429–37. Print.Rillardon, Maryline, and Jean-Philip Brugal. What About the Broad Spectrum Revolution? Subsistence Strategy of Hunter–Gatherers in Southeast Fr ance between 20 and 8  KA BP. Quaternary International 337 (2014): 129–53. Print.Rosen, Arlene M., and Isabel Rivera-Collazo. Climate Change, Adaptive Cycles, and the Persistence of Foraging Economies During the Late Pleistocene/Holocene Transition in the Levant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109.10 (2012): 3640–45. Print.Stiner, Mary C. Thirty Years on the Broad Spectrum Revolution and Paleolithic Demography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98.13 (2001): 6993–96. Print.Stiner, Mary C., et al. A Forager–Herder Trade-Off, from Broad-Spectrum Hunting to Sheep Management at Asikli Hà ¶yà ¼k, Turkey. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111.23 (2014): 8404–09. Print.Zeder, Melinda A. The Broad Spectrum Revolution at 40: Resource Diversity, Intensification, and an Alternative to Optimal Foraging Explanations. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 31.3 (2012): 241–64. Print.---. Core Questions in D omestication Research. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112.11 (2015): 3191–98. Print.

Monday, May 18, 2020

An Annotation of The Gift Outright by Robert Frost Essay

An Annotation of The Gift Outright by Robert Frost In The Gift Outright, Robert Frost traces the development of American culture from colonial times to a more present perspective. He tells the American story of colonialism, freedom, westward expansion, and the quest to develop a specifically American culture. In doing this, he focuses on explaining ways in which Americans supported the growth and development of their country and culture. Frost suggests that Americans showed their allegiance to their developing country and culture in several ways: battlefield bravery, commitment of talents to the good of the country, and dedication to expanding the United States land and power. His reflection on the past is also a call for action in†¦show more content†¦Once Frost states, we were Englands, still colonials, the reader understands why the land was ours before we were the lands. This is because the English colonists were not Americans when they first lived on the land. The colonists were still under English law, art, culture, tr adition, and beliefs. The word possess has different meanings throughout this section. In the beginning of the line Possessing what we still were unpossessed by, the word possessed refers to the way the colonists lived on, worked on, and owned the New World land. But in the second half of the line, one learns that the colonists were unpossessed by the land. In this context unpossessed means that the colonists were not consumed or overcome by a sense of responsibility to the land. In other words, it means that the colonists owned the land, but they did not have an overcoming feeling of responsibility towards it as an independent nation; they were Englands, still. In the line Possessed by what we now no more possess, the first term possessed

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How Can I Talk If My Lips Don t Move - 889 Words

â€Å"How Can I Talk If My Lips Don’t Move?† by Tito Mukhopadhyay is the story of a child that was diagnosed with an almost completely nonverbal type of autism at a very young age. Tito’s lack of speech forced him to communicate through writing, without which we could not begin to understand his thoughts. A study done by Isabelle Rapin and Michelle Dunn (as cited in Hinzen, 2015, p. 1) stated that â€Å"Children with autism might construe language differently, reflecting a linguistic style different from that inherent in neurotypical cognition, which could then be reflected in altered patterns of social communication.† Throughout the book, Tito has a fascination and strong connection with a mirror in his house. In his early childhood, he perceives the mirror to be telling him stories through colors. His mirror was the only constant. He could rely on the mirror to show him a story and to understand the story he was sharing. He describes his frustrations wh en his visual and auditory sensations cancelled each other out. Each sound would take away the beautiful pictures inside his mind. He realized at a young age that he saw things differently. When he was diagnosed with autism, his world began to make more sense. He has a reason for why he could not speak, why he has so little interest in normal play, and why he could see so much more than everyone around him. He obsessed over objects of all sorts, they calmed him and showed him beautiful visions. Every experience andShow MoreRelatedNarrative Essay - Original Writing1282 Words   |  6 PagesBeatrya POV I woke and rubbed my eyes and sat up slowly. I looked at the clock and it was 5am. There goes my sleeping schedule. I felt very tired even though I ve been asleep for a while. I just got up using all my energy. I walked into the bathroom and did my normal brush my hair and teeth routine. I walked back out then put on my converse. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Plan of Asian House Restaurant - 11688 Words

KYMENLAAKSON AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU University of Applied Sciences International Business/International Marketing Hongmei Zeng Business Plan of Asian House Restaurant Bachelor’s Thesis 2011 ABSTRACT KYMENLAAKSON AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU University of Applied Sciences International Business Hongmei Zeng Bachelor’s Thesis Supervisor January 2011 Key words Business Plan of Asian House Restaurant 45 pages + 3 pages of appendices Ulla Puustelli, Senior Lecturer business plan, restaurant, Asian House, marketing The purpose of the thesis was to make a practical plan for setting up an Asian restaurant â€Å"Asian House† in Oulu. The business plan clarified what kind of food will be provided and what customers could be targeted in the†¦show more content†¦35 2.5.3. Promotion ................................................................................................. 36 2.6. Suppliers information ......................................................................................... 38 2.7. Financial documents .......................................................................................... 38 2.7.1. Sales budget ............................................................................................. 39 2.7.2. Stock purchase budget .......................................................................... 39 2.7.3. Budgeted Profit Loss ............................................................................. 40 2.7.4. Budgeted Cash Flow Statement ............................................................... 41 2.7.5. Budgeted Balance Sheet for Year 1-3 ....................................................... 42 2.7.6. Break-Even point analysis ........................................................................ 42 2.8. Risk analysis .......................................................................................... ............ 43 3. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 43 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 45 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Questions to Interview Mr. Gan, D’ Wok restaurant owner Appendix 2:Show MoreRelatedBlack Canyon Coffee1480 Words   |  6 Pagescompetitors and believe that by focusing on their core competency BCC can outperform their competitors. Problem Analysis As the articles states, BCC founders had no prior experience in restaurant business and were not even coffee drinkers. Coming from an IT background, founders of BCC wanted to start a business of their own. BCC follows an industrial organization (I/O) model because the company was formed by strategically analyzing external environment and factors. 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This Is Water Reaction Free Essays

Commentary and reaction to David Foster Wallace’s â€Å"This is Water† This speech was clear and direct to the point, especially both parables David told. He did not force his ideas; he merely explained his realizations and suggested actions. It is how he said it though, that made me want to listen to him more. We will write a custom essay sample on This Is Water Reaction or any similar topic only for you Order Now I sthrongly agree with the suggestion of taking the spotlight away from ourselves and our misfortunes and pointing it towards other things and people we encounter. Some people are really egocentric to care about others and their problems (which are probably worse than theirs). This type of self-centred thinking affects our mood in a way where it may dampen our happiness. His speech raised my awareness on the arrogance of some people, and of mine too at times. He talked about learning to think, learning to control what you think. I feel that that is a step close to being a more positive and happy person. If you submit yourself to negativity, it will ruin you. We have choices; it’s just a matter of making the right one not only for you but for everyone involved. What struck me the most was what he called the Capital T– Truth which is what matters — life before death. His message was to not stick to a routine just because you are afraid of change. Do not be dull, be alive. The major lesson I took from his speech was to enjoy every experience life offers us to make the most of our lives instead of living in the fast lane which will cause us to forget what and how things happened. Our lives are limited and so we shouldn’t make the least of it by worrying about mishaps and troubles. If we do, then that is truly a life wasted. How to cite This Is Water Reaction, Papers

The Ethics of Photos Major Principles of Ethics

Question: Describe about The Ethics of Photos for Major Principles of Ethics. Answer: Introduction Ethics are the major principles that reflect the values as well as norms of a society. In other words, ethics are simply the guidelines for its members for treating each other as per the accepted ideals with a fair approach (Djajadikerta Trireksani, 2013). The ethical consequences tend to be formed by the nature of service, profit, ownership, representation as well as creativity in the practice of photography (Keyzer et al., 2013). The ethical issues are often confused by the new technological application as well as exacerbated by the political ideology or cultural preferences and the individual ambition and personality. Therefore, this study aims to identify the ethical consequences associated with the digital photography (Scarles, 2013). There are numerous ethical issues in relation to the photography those must be considered in order to evaluate the resolution to address the consequences. The issues that will be the outcome of the evaluation should be taken seriously and mitigate d as soon as possible. This contemporary digital era has permitted people in order to gain as well as obtain the access to the digital photographs that belong to others. Online games, Mobile Technology, Social Media, Public Forums as well as the numerous other communications have provide allowance to people for utilizing images in various ways. ICT allows people for manipulating as well as changing the nature of few images by providing them a distinct purpose and a distinct meaning as well. Therefore, an ethical concern or consequences can be formed in this scenario. (Langmann Pick, 2014) The most effective victims of such unethical circumstances are the children and mostly the women. Therefore, crucial security issues are encountered those arise from the usage of the photos in the online environments such as the social media like Facebook and many others (Allen, 2012). Therefore, this study highlights all the crucial ethical issues of digital photography such as the ethical concerns of the intangible and intellectual property, images on social media, identity theft, access to the images, ownership and camera access using mobile devices, deception and manipulation using images and other ethical concerns. Discussion and Analysis The use of photographs in Digital world The digital photography is the form of photography that utilizes the cameras containing electronic photodetector arrays for capturing images focused by the lens as reversed to exposure on the photographic film (Van der Rijt Hoffman, 2014). The captured photographs are stored as well as digitalized as a computer file ready for the further digital printing, publishing, viewing as well as digital processing (Palacios-Gonzlez, 2015). Photography in the digital world is one of the various forms of digital imaging. The images that are available electronically can be uploaded to the websites or the social networking sites by the user. The user takes a photo with the help of digital camera or the present pictures can be scanned and then uploads the pictures to the internet. There could be various forms of pictures that can be transmitted or shared in the digital world. The Digital photographs are also made by the non-photographic equipment like the radio telescopes and computer tomography s canners. The photographs have huge utilities in the digital world (Quinn Manning, 2013). The uses of the digital photographs in the digital can be specified with the help of the benefits of the digital photography. The major advantage of the digital photography is that it is more cost effective than the film photography. On the other hand, digital photography helps in showing the instant previews. Apart from that, the digital photographs are very easy for sharing (Djajadikerta Trireksani, 2013). People can upload the digital photos to the websites, email those photos to their friends as well as store them on the CDs. apart from being easily stored and shared the technology for storing the photos are also cheaper and are more resilient to corruption. The technology hence has caught the fancy of the people. Most interesting fact regarding the photography in the digital world is that digital photography is more environment-friendly than the film photography. The digital photographs also take lesser space compared to the analog pictures and hence are more compact and user-friendly. The digital photos that have been taken can be easily modified and made more presentable compared to the film photogr aphy and hence has become more popular. Apart from being easier to implement and modify the photos are technology is also easier to use, more user-friendly and is also cheaper compared to the analog counterpart. There are several field where the digital photography plays an effective role (Keyzer et al., 2013). Digital photography is very significant in order to sell a particular product, in order to make insurance as well as an accident claim. Digital photographs are very effective in the clinical and medical world. Digital photographs are also very important for the driving license, passports and many other identity proofs (Scarles, 2013). Digital photos are also playing a very important role in the educational uses as well. Malicious use of the pictures The misuse or the malicious use of the digital photographs has become a crucial issue for people. The digital photographs are very significant in the digital world. However, along with this fact, it has also been seen that the digital photographs are being misused by people against which, an immediate action must be taken as soon as possible (Langmann Pick, 2014). The malicious use of the digital photos is simply a significant crime. Women as well as the teenagers are the general victims of such crime (Allen, 2012). The malicious uses of images have been rampant in schools and various offices around the world and draw criticism from everyone. Hence the practice which is not at all ethical should be discouraged and the users should be made more aware about the malice involving the digital image sharing over internet. On the other hand, in this digital age, the online platform or the social media are the most general platform through which such malicious use of the pictures are perfor med by the criminals (Van der Rijt Hoffman, 2014). Facebook is such an online platform over which such crime of misusing photographs is taken place. In this contemporary digital world, peoples lives have been dominated by the smart-phones that have changed the way people interact and most importantly the way people conduct, commence and end friendships and relationships (Palacios-Gonzlez, 2015). Hacking is such a criminal process through which the digital photos are misused the most. Image theft from the Facebook account of a user or the other social website is also a crucial misuse of image. The images stolen from the social media websites can be misused by applying those images in the pornography videos (Quinn Manning, 2013). In case of the business world, politics and other fields, the malicious use of photographs of the political leaders and business leaders can damage the impression of a political leader or party or harm the reputation or the revenue of a business organization (Djajadikerta Trireksani, 2013). In other words, the malicious use of the photographs can ruin all the aspects of personal and professional lives. Legal issues involved in malicious use of pictures As discussed earlier, the malicious use or the misuse of the photographs in this digital is the most vulnerable activity with the photographs. These malicious uses or the misuses of the digital photographs are completely unethical activity as per the legal aspect (Keyzer et al., 2013). Thus, there are several legal or the ethical issues incorporated with the malicious usage of the pictures in this digital world. Among the legal issues of the misuse of the pictures, security concern is the most important and significant legal concern of this matter (Quinn Manning, 2013). The malicious use of the digital pictures over the online platforms such as the Social Media like Facebook, Twitter and other online sources can mostly hamper the security or the privacy aspects of the victims account (Scarles, 2013). On the other hand, stealing images in the organizations can hamper the ethical aspects of the organizations. Due to the misuse of the pictures in the organizations made by the hackers o r the other illegal accesses, it would result in the loss of the employees (Langmann Pick, 2014). Apart from that, the misuse of the digital photographs in making the pornographic videos is completely illegal while the photos are literally stolen from peoples social media account without their concerns (Allen, 2012). On the other hand, it is also the fact that the pornography is not legal in most of the countries in all over the world. Apart from that, the legal issues of the malicious use of the photographs can create a negative impact on the professional as well as the personal lives of people (Palacios-Gonzlez, 2015). This illegal access of the photographs can ruin the political, educational as well as business activities due to which the general people are most affected. Ethical issues involved with the use of the digital pictures There are several ethical issues associated with the digital images, like the manipulation of the images, image theft, plagiarism of the photo, etc. In the digital era of photography photos are captured in every second and shared worldwide between wide ranges of individuals (Barbovschi,Green Vandoninck, 2013). The introduction of digital images has also introduced various tools for the manipulation of the image, using which the image can be altered. This turned into an ethical issue and the tool can be used to manipulate and influence people. The digital images should be used for the display of the reality but tampering the image is acceptable to certain limits and exceeding the limit can change the originality of the image leading it to an ethical issue (Greensmith Green, 2015). The digital images can be stolen and sold over the internet without the permission of the owner. The stolen image can be misused and manipulated to destroy the personality of a person or expose negatively t o the society. Plagiarism of the photo is another ethical issue associated with the digital image; it is the situation when someone borrows the idea of another photographer and uses it for his image (Hannay Baatard, 2011). It is a most common case in the recent times where the photographer steals the idea and tries to perform better and often succeed in doing so. In the fashion industry most of the images on the cover pages of the magazine are altered digitally. But sometimes they are altered drastically making the model looking completely different from the real life (ORourke, 2011). Thus are ethical issues regarding the digital photography, the images should be altered or retouched that is acceptable to the society but going beyond the limits makes it an ethical issue. Use of pictures of children Most of the people having children at their home posts images of their children or the persons at the schools posts pictures of the students on different social media sites. These pictures can adversely cause embarrassment for someone (Students) in short term or long term (Livingstone, 2014). The reason behind this is, anyone can edit and misuse the uploaded photos on the social media. In addition to this the use of photo tagging feature which is used to identify people present in the picture can also cause breach in the privacy of an individual (Staksrud, lafsson Livingstone, 2013). Therefore, it is important for the individuals and school authorities to protect their children and students from the adverse effects as a result of publishing their picture. To do this the parents can upload pictures that focus on the group activities. In addition to this parents also consider controlling the availability of the pictures to different group of audiences. Students must not take, use, sha re and publish images of other students (Staksrud, lafsson Livingstone, 2013). Therefore, while posting or sharing the pictures of the children then, two things must be taken care of. The amount of information the photo or the picture providing, the consent of the children. This is mostly about the information that a child wants to or ignores to see it online. Difference between the use of pictures in websites and social media Today different site and social media platforms are mainly populated with digital images to convey information, messages, and to assist people to understand reality. The images are also used to change the existing mindset of the people. The pictures used all around the world for publicizing, advertising and giving momentum to organizations around the world. In early periods the images are manipulated with the chemicals which were detectable. But today when the pictures are manipulated and are posted on an informative website then it can mislead the viewers (Bobkowski Smith, 2013). This will consequently lead the viewers to get a wrong and manipulated concept about any incident, object or personality, which has even resulted in many cases of suicide and depression. Today the there are several digital tools are available for manipulation of the pictures. The one that is most famous among the users is the Photoshop created by Adobe. These unintended changes in the pictures can lead to visual deception. In addition to this when the images are manipulated and posted on the different social media platforms with the intention to entertain people may hurt some one's emotion (Hazell, 2011). Most adversely, if someone creates any image (Trolls) depicting a public figure doing stupid things, then it will be a reason for public unrest created by the followers of that specific personality. In addition to this if someone creates any image or picture by disrespecting the faith or religious belief of any community then, it will also become the reason of religious riots in any country (Livingstone, 2014). This happens due to the most special feature of a picture or photograph to generate an immediate emotional response either for an event (for a personality, object) or against any event. Even though the increasing awareness about the different manipulation techniques is frequently associated with loss of trust on the different news portals and websites, but it is not the correct time to say that the use of the images and photographs to convey messages must be abolished due to the manipulation of the images (Stein, 2009). Here it can be said that as the internet is considered as the major source of knowledge and information, therefore the owners of the websites or the policy makers of the websites and social media platforms must review the different images and photo posts that are uploaded by different users (Hazell, 2011). This will help in maintaining the faith of people which are challenged by the possibilities of different seamless manipulation techniques. The ownership of the images posted on Social Networking sites The images that are posted on the social networking sites are the property of the owner, and the copyright should belong to the creator. The owner of the image have the right to copy, use or distribute the image but when the image is posted on the social networking site the site gets a license to use the image for their commercial activity and can share the image with other individuals also (Hannay Baatard, 2011). For example, Twitter or Facebook can use the uploaded image of a person for their commercial gains which can be done by obtaining likes and shares of the images. The photos that are posted on the site can be easily downloaded from the websites, and as has been mentioned in the previous section the images can be used for a variety of malicious practices that can create a problem for the person. The Twitpic service of Twitter is riskier than Facebook; it can access the deleted photos of the users. This means that they can use the image even after the termination of the license (ORourke, 2011). Twitter can also give access permission to different users and gain profit from the image without paying the user the profit percentage. Thus the social media users must be aware of the terms and conditions of the site before posting the photo to their websites. The problem regarding the ownership of the image can be an ethical issue for the social networking media (Green, 2013). The issue should be mitigated such that the users feel free to post their images, and the sharing of the license should be limited to the social networking site, and it should not be redistributed to the other users (Cook, 2010). There is a risk associated with the other users of the social networking that they can misuse the images for performing illegal activities. The security issues related to photos used on Social Networking Sites (SNS) There are various security concerns and little advantages associated with the sharing of the photos over the internet. The sharing of the pictures could be in any website or the SNS, which makes the pictures available to the digital environment (Cook Kumar and Unmar-Satiah 2015). The major security concerns are identity theft, sexual predators, stalking, victimization, and surveillance. The lesser known advantages are fame and employment. The identity theft affects millions of internet users around the world every year. The impact of such act results in loss of countless hours and money to the whole system. The primary reason behind such act is a lack of knowledge regarding the online identity and the growing trust and comfort of people on the around the social networking sites. The lack of standardization and policing is another reason behind such malicious practices. The social networking sites generate revenue by helping in targeted advertisement (CrippsStanding and Fanning 2015). The sites shared the personal information about the user and based upon the information the companies advertise on the home page of the user profile. Since there is a lack of government oversight, user education, and industry standards, the user is not well educated about the issue that is associated with sharing of data over such websites. Hence sharing of sensitive data and photos are rampant and has led to the case involving identity t hreats. A recent algorithm patented by Google can rate the user influence of such site which will encourage the data sharing of the users. There are millions of users around the world who use SNS which include the criminal and persons with a criminal mentality. The users of such websites should understand that the photos and the data they share are available to them, and such sensitive information is prone to threats from both internal and external sources equally. The validity of Photo IDs in todays environment A photo ID card is a document used for identification of the person. The ID card contains basic information like the Photo of the person, name, and address. The main motive of using the ID cards is for face to face identification and authentication. Availability of photos at several places can be a serious threat to one's identity. Fake photo identities have always been a problem to the society, and the availability of photos over the internet make the process of faking even easier (Dhouha et al. 2014). The social networking encourages the user to share maximum information about them, which can help the friends to have a clear picture about What? When? Why? about the user. Although the social networking has helped the world to be a very compact place, the shared information can be seen by other internet users too. The sensitive information about the user can be accessed in a jiffy ((Bobkowski Smith, 2013)). Since the photo ID cards contain only necessary information about the user which can be readily accessed through the Internet, generation of ID cards have become easier. Hence it can be understood that the validity of ID cards have become big questions. Hence the governments around the world are going for multiple authenticities, which consist of both physical and the digital data (Johnston et al. 2013). The magnetically coded ID cards have become a trend in industries which has both physical and electronic data for authentication. Geocaching and Online Images Geocaching, which is similar to the game of letterboxing, can be used for many purposes such as gaming or making the package available to selective people. This technique is mainly used in the public domain for a treasure hunt. The pictures of the site and the coordinates are shared, and the treasure hunter has to go and search for the package at the indicated location. The pictures, in this case, are used as clues that could be used for guiding the hunter (Management Association ed. 2013). The photos that are used to indicate the physical location are most important part of Geocaching. It acts as the reference for the treasure hunt, and the hunters are lured by the pictures. The more convincing the pictures are the hunters are more lured towards the location (Tonge et al. 2011). The game that recently has caught the attention of people name Pokmon Go uses the same concept for hunting down the Pokmons. Geocaching has caught the attention of the criminal as they try to lure the gamers to a remote location and loot them. There had been incidents of crimes that involve shooting (Trial begins in the shooting of boy, 13, geocaching with his father The Mercury News, 2016). There are various websites that are open to the user which create a community for the players. These communities can be accessed by users from different places, and these users can upload various tasks for the fellow users making the game the perfect recipe for disaster. The criminal can use these platform s to lure the gamers into a trap and do things that have always been condemned (Valli and Hannay 2010). Hence it always suggested that the sources of such treasure hunts be always checked before leaping into it. Conclusion The credibility of every user can be guaranteed, any information in such hand should be treated as a threat. The networking site such as Instagram allows users to upload picture instantaneously thus showing the location and picture of the user, through which the general idea about the user can be grasped and used against them. As it has been aptly said that a picture is worth thousands of words and such information in wrong hand is a serious threat. In this article, the various threats that an internet user faces due to sharing of images and photos on the internet has been discussed in detail. The various aspects that have been discussed in the segment are publishing photos in the digital world its impact on the user and the consequences. In the next section, the various malicious uses of the picture have been discussed in detail for making the user more aware of the consequences that they can suffer due to sharing of images in various internet platforms. The next section contains th e impact of malicious practices on the defaulter have been presented to prevent the users of the internet from committing such crimes. Then the ethical issues of sharing the different types of the picture have been discussed, which will help in understanding the impact of sharing pictures with the community. The subsequent sections deal with the impact of sharing the picture of children and the ownership of the pictures in case of deceased users. Sharing of the picture of children can have an impact on the child as the future of the children is yet to unfold. In this scenario, the rights of the owner have been discussed. Finally, the security aspects of the pictures have been shared, which contains the issue related to sharing of pictures in SNSs, the need for a better security measure to prevent identity threats and the present genre of games that uses Geocaching to lure the user into traps. References The Mercury News. (2016). 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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mr. Potato Head free essay sample

Since the time of my childhood I have been exposed to hundreds of toys and games. However, only a few stand out in my memory and even fewer still remain in my possession today. There are many toys in America, which are known by all ages, nationalities, and social classes. Toys such as Barbie, Legos, Cabbage Patch Kids, GI Joe, and many more are well known commodities, which have been in existence since before my time. Although there are numerous toys I can remember as a child there is one toy, which stands out particularly more than others. This toy is Mr. Potato Head was most likely one of my favorite toys due to its simplicity. It was a toy, which never went out of style and therefore remained out of storage and the attic. Unlike most other toys Mr. Potato head did not have numerous series, partner toys, and additions but it did not change as the years since its creation. We will write a custom essay sample on Mr. Potato Head or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When by Mr. Potato Head is arguably one of the greatest toys ever invented, which has a great deal of history behind it? I have chosen the toy Mr. Potato Head as the topic of this short paper due to its great history within the arena of American toys. It made history by being the very first toy to be advertised n television. The Mr. Potato Head you can purchase today in the store is very different from the original Mr. Potato Head released in the 1950’s. The original Mr. Potato Head contained only body features such as the nose, lips, and ears. The consumer had to supply his/her own potato’s to serve as the body, ultimate completing the Mr. Potato Head figure. The plastic body one sees in the store today did not emerge until eight years later. Since the birth of this simple Hasbro toy, Mr. Potato Head has been a success. Wikepedia online stated, â€Å"He was so loved by children, that he was expanded into additional toy categories including puzzles, creative play sets, and electronic hand-held, board and video games. The vast popularity of Mr. Potato Head also attracted non-toy companies who licensed his image and name to make apparel, accessories and novelty items. † (Wikapedia, Mr. Potato Head) Hasbro took in over 100 million in profit in the first year alone as a result of the Mr. Potato Head. As a result, Hasbro released three additions of Mr. Potato Head family members, Mrs. Potato Head, Brother spud, and Sister Yam. In 1973, the main potato part and its accessories doubled in size and dimensions due to toy child safety regulations. Although Mr. Potato Head has gone through various changes over the decades its main concept and accessories has remained the same. I have owned a Mr. Potato Head since my childhood. It was among the group of first toys I receive from my family. It has remained with me today because I refuse to give it away. If anything it will remain with me or will be passed on to my kids. I believe Mr. Potato Head and the Potato Head family has been so successful because it caters to all crowds and ages. I really enjoy the concept of a Potato versus a person. The success of this toy is an example of its simple yet brilliant concept. One can see Mr. Potato Head is loved by many not only viewing its success in terms of sales and revenue, but also in terms of Mr. Potato Head television appearances. Mr. Potato Head has appeared in numerous popular shows and/or movies including Toy Story and The Mr. Potato Head Show. Mr. Potato Head has not only been popular among kids and families, but also among drug traffickers. Mr. Potato Heads hallow inside and lightweight make a great trafficking device for drugs traffickers.